About Me
Feng ZHU is currently a Research Director in Smart City Group of
SenseTime, leading a talented research&development team with over 20 full-time reseachers, engineers and interns. His team supports
SenseFoundry, a one-stop software platform tailored for Smart City management, delivering cutting-edge Computer Vison and Deep Learning techniques for large scale applications in Smart City, such as City Security, Traffic Management. Feng ZHU received the B.E. degree and Ph.D. degree in Electronic Engineering in 2011 and 2017, respectively, from the Department of Electronic Engineering and Information Science, University of Science and Technology of China (
USTC), under the supervision of
Prof. Nenghai Yu. He also worked as a Research Assistant in
MMLab during 2012~2017, under the supervision of
Prof. Xiaogang Wang. Currently, he works closely with
Prof. Wanli Ouyang,
Prof. Hongsheng Li,
Prof. Junchi Yan, and
Dr. Qi Chu.